Friday, March 7, 2025

Sunday Reading : Shashi Tharoor's An Era of Darkness

 Hello Readers! 

The famous and prestigious Sahitya Akademi Awards for 2019 are announced.  The Award in English language category is awarded in "Creative non-Fiction" category to Shashi Tharoor's An Era of Darkness. Our task is to watch interviews of Shashi Tharoor on this blog given by Dilip Barad Sir and write our response to it. 

  •  Shashi Tharoor 

Shashi Tharoor is an Indian politician, writer and a former international diplomat. Shashi Tharoor was born on 9 March 1956 in London, United Kingdom to Chandran Tharoor and Sulekha menon, a malayali couple hailing from mangalore, karnataka. He revived Sahitya Akademi award 2019  for his non-fiction work An Era of  Darkness.

  • An Era of Darkness :

Shashi  Tharoor argues that British rules had no redeeming features. 

Shashi Tharoor latest,  An Era of Darkness,  is one breathless read.  In it, he aggregates all the arrangements required to establish that British Colonial rules was an awful experience for Indians and he does so with a consummate debater's skill. His book is, in fact, an expanded take on British exploitation of India that famously carried the day for Tharoor in an Oxford debate not too long ago. Tharoor told that how the Britishers rules on India. 

Watching interview of Shashi Tharoor. Click here. 

  • Speech at Oxford Union 
  • Looking Back at the British Raj in India : The university of Edinburgh 
  • Exclusive interview by karan Thapar on his Book "An Era of Darkness "
  • About British colonialism in India in his new book 'An Era of Darkness'.

  1. Shashi Tharoor Speech at Oxford Union :

Shashi Tharoor told about the British rules in India. We can to know that how Britishers crualy rules on India.

Development of Railway In India :

Before I listen speech of shashi Tharoor I believe that Railways or rode made by Britishers for development of India. But when I listen Tharoor's speech I came to know that British made railway or rode for their own benefits. Railway was built to serve British. They were designed to carry raw materials from into spot shift to Britain and the fact is Indian, American and other colonial public they needs were incidental transportation they demands for transport. Instead in fact India railway was built the massive insetive offer by Britain .So that how Britishers made railway for their own benefit to transport many things in British. 

Exclusive interview  Dr. Shashi Tharoor on his Book "An Era of Darkness" The British Empire in India. 

In his book he said about injustice. All the arrangements is against of the British Empire in India. He told about partition of Hindu and Muslim. Hindu and Muslim was divided by Britishers. Britishian create partition Bengal. Deliberately they want to separate Muslim majority part of bangol and makes different kind of politics them.  The Britishers made systematic effort to separate between to community Hindus and Muslim. The binary of Hindus and Muslim was created by the British. 
  • Five ways we would've been better off if we hadn't been colonised. 
  1. The British wrecked our industries 
  2. Colonial Rule worsened poverty and landlessness
  3. Famines were 'British induced '
  4. Partition 
  5. Colonisation of The Indian mind. 

In this video he thiks so many counterfactual is always impossible to prove because what happened happened but the fact is that we had the nucleus mean certainly as he has demonstrated in the book three industries of ours which were radio doing very well .

1. Textiles 
2. Steel and
3. Shipbuilding
All this three were systematically and deliberately targeted destroyed and dismantled. The British now the counters argument that give us all modern technology would have overtaken all left behind anyway and he say because we would have found ways of coping. If we were free but you were the ones making the rules so textiles if you make it impossible to ship Indian textiles to other countries by posing imposing punitive tariffs and ship into English goods to India by having  
Practically no tariffs at all he meant no free country would have tolerated that but in practice naturally you destroy. 

Thank you...

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