Translation Studies Activity Worksheet
1. Poem 1: Translate Faiz Ahmed Faiz's Urdu poem "Mujh Se Pehli Si Mohabbat Mirii Mehboob Na Maang" into Hindi and English.
Faiz Ahmed Faiz's Poem-
Original Urdu Text:
مجھ سے پہلی سی محبت مری محبوب نہ مانگ
مجھ سے پہلی سی محبت مری محبوب نہ مانگ
میں نے سمجھا تھا کہ تو ہے تو درخشاں ہے حیات
تیرا غم ہے تو غم دہر کا جھگڑا کیا ہے
تیری صورت سے ہے عالم میں بہاروں کو ثبات
تیری آنکھوں کے سوا دنیا میں رکھا کیا ہے
تو جو مل جائے تو تقدیر نگوں ہو جائے
یوں نہ تھا میں نے فقط چاہا تھا یوں ہو جائے
اور بھی دکھ ہیں زمانے میں محبت کے سوا
راحتیں اور بھی ہیں وصل کی راحت کے سوا
ان گنت صدیوں کے تاریک بہیمانہ طلسم
ریشم و اطلس و کمخاب میں بنوائے ہوئے
جا بہ جا بکتے ہوئے کوچہ و بازار میں جسم
خاک میں لتھڑے ہوئے خون میں نہلائے ہوئے
جسم نکلے ہوئے امراض کے تنوروں سے
پیپ بہتی ہوئی گلتے ہوئے ناسوروں سے
لوٹ جاتی ہے ادھر کو بھی نظر کیا کیجے
اب بھی دل کش ہے ترا حسن مگر کیا کیجے
اور بھی دکھ ہیں زمانے میں محبت کے سوا
راحتیں اور بھی ہیں وصل کی راحت کے سوا
مجھ سے پہلی سی محبت مری محبوب نہ مانگ
Translation to Hindi: [chat Gpt]
मुझ से पहली सी मोहब्बत मेरी महबूब न मांग
मुझ से पहली सी मोहब्बत मेरी महबूब न मांग
मैंने समझा था कि तू है तो दरख्शां है ज़िन्दगी
तेरा ग़म है तो ग़म-ए-ज़माना क्या है
तेरी सूरत से है आलम में बहारों को स्थिरता
तेरी आँखों के सिवा दुनिया में रखा क्या है
तू जो मिल जाए तो तक़दीर सज जाए
यूं न था, मैंने सिर्फ चाहा था कि यों हो जाए
और भी दुख हैं ज़माने में मोहब्बत के सिवा
आराम और भी हैं, मिलन की खुशी के सिवा
अनगिनत सदियों के अंधेरे और क्रूर जादू
रेशम और एटलस और कमख़ाब में बनवाए हुए
हर जगह बिकते हुए, गली और बाजार में शरीर
मिट्टी में सने हुए, खून में नहलाए हुए
शरीर निकलते हुए रोगों के तंदूरों से
पिओं बहती हुई, सड़ते हुए फोड़े से
अब फिर से उधर देखती है नज़र, क्या करूँ
अब भी दिलकश है तेरा हुस्न मगर क्या करूँ
और भी दुख हैं ज़माने में मोहब्बत के सिवा
आराम और भी हैं, मिलन की खुशी के सिवा
मुझ से पहली सी मोहब्बत मेरी महबूब न मांग
Hindi Translation - [Gemini]
मैंसे पहली सी मोहब्बत मेरी महबूब ना माँग
मुझसे पहली सी मोहब्बत मेरी महबूब ना माँग
मैंने समझा था कि तू है तो दरख़्शाँ है हयात
तेरा ग़म है तो ग़म-ए-दहर का झगड़ा क्या है
तेरी सूरत से है आलम में बहारों को सबात
तेरी आँखों के सिवा दुनिया में रक्खा क्या है
तू जो मिल जाए तो तक़दीर निगूँ हो जाए
यूँ न था मैं ने फ़क़त चाहा था यूँ हो जाए
और भी दुख हैं ज़माने में मोहब्बत के सिवा
राहतें और भी हैं वस्ल की राहत के सिवा
Translation to English: [chat Gpt]
Do Not Ask for the Same Love From Me, My Beloved
Do not ask for the same love from me, my beloved
I had thought that if you were there, life would shine
If you grieve, then what difference is there to the sorrows of the world?
Your presence gives the world stability in its seasons
What is there in this world except the light in your eyes?
If you were to meet me, fate would turn to beauty
It was never meant to be like this, I only wanted things to happen as I hoped
There are other sorrows in this world besides the sorrows of love
Other comforts exist beyond the joys of union
Countless centuries of dark, brutal enchantment
Made of silk, satin, and velvet
Bodies sold here and there in the streets and markets
Covered in dust, bathed in blood
Bodies emerging from the ovens of diseases
Pus flowing from the festering wounds
What can I do if my gaze turns in that direction?
Your beauty still attracts me, but what can I do?
There are other sorrows in this world besides the sorrows of love
Other comforts exist beyond the joys of union
Do not ask for the same love from me, my beloved.
English Translation
Don't Ask Me for Love Like It Was Before
Don't ask me for love like it was before, my beloved,
I had thought that with you, life would be radiant,
If your sorrow is mine, what is the world's sorrow?
Your face gives permanence to spring in the world,
Except for your eyes, what is there left in the world?
If you were to be mine, destiny would be fulfilled,
It wasn't that I only wished it would be so,
There are other sorrows in the world besides love,
There are other comforts besides the comfort of union.
2. Poem 2: Translate W. B. Yeats's The Second Coming into Hindi and Gujarati
Original Poem (English)
The Second Coming
By W.B. Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert
A shape with a lion's body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all around it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Hindi Translation:
दूसरा आगमन
W.B. Yeats
घूमते हुए और फैलते हुए चक्कर में
बाज, बाज़ीगर की आवाज़ नहीं सुन पाता;
चीज़ें बिखर रही हैं; केंद्र नहीं टिक पा रहा;
सिर्फ अराजकता दुनिया पर ढाई गई है,
ख़ून से सनी लहरें बह रही हैं, और हर जगह
निरपराधिता की रस्म डूब चुकी है;
सर्वश्रेष्ठ विश्वास से रहित हैं, जबकि सबसे बुरा
उत्साही ताकत से भरा हुआ है।
निश्चित रूप से कोई रहस्योद्घाटन आ रहा है;
निश्चित रूप से दूसरा आगमन आ रहा है।
दूसरा आगमन! जैसे ही ये शब्द निकलते हैं
एक विशाल छवि, जो स्पिरिटस मुंडी से निकली है,
मेरी आँखों को परेशान करती है: कहीं रेगिस्तान के रेत में
एक आकृति, जिसका शरीर शेर का है और सिर आदमी का,
सूरज जितनी निर्लज्ज और निर्दयी नज़र के साथ,
अपनी धीमी चाल से चल रही है, जबकि उसके चारों ओर
नाराज़ रेगिस्तानी पक्षियों की परछाइयाँ घूम रही हैं।
अंधकार फिर से गिरता है; लेकिन अब मुझे पता है
कि बीस सदियाँ पत्थर की नींद में पड़ी रहीं
और एक झूलते पालने से बुरी बुरी कल्पनाओं ने उसे जगा दिया,
और वह खतरनाक जीव, जिसकी घड़ी आई है,
अब मदीना की ओर बढ़ता है, जन्म लेने के लिए।
Gujarati Translation:
બીજો આવોગો
W.B. Yeats
ઘૂમતા અને વિસ્તરતા ચકરામાં
બાઝ, બાઝીગરની અવાજ સાંભળી શકતો નથી;
ચીજોથી વિખૂટી રહી છે; કેન્દ્ર ટકાવું નથી;
માત્ર અরাজકતા દુનિયામાં છલકાઈ રહી છે,
લોહીથી સિંકી રહી તરંગો વહી રહ્યા છે, અને દર જગ્યાએ
દિશેતરતા નો પાવન ટનલાવ લુપ્ત થઇ રહ્યો છે;
શ્રેષ્ઠ લોકો વિશ્વસનિહિત છે, જ્યારે સૌથી ખોટા
આકર્ષક ઉત્સાહથી ભરેલા છે.
નિશ્ચિતપણે કઈક પ્રગટ થવાનું છે;
નિશ્ચિતપણે બીજું આવવું છે.
બીજું આવવું! તે શબ્દો જેમજેમ બહાર આવતા છે
પ્રેમ્યની ઝલક, જે 'સ્પિરિટસ મૂન્ડી'માંથી ઉતરી છે,
મારી નજર પર અસર કરે છે: કાંઈક રેતીના મોતીમાં
એક આકૃતિ જે શેરીનાં શરીર અને મનુષ્યનાં મખમલ મગજની છબી ધરાવ છે,
સૂરજના સમાન નિર્વિકાર નજર સાથે,
ધીરે ધીરે પગથી આગળ વધે છે, જ્યારે આ આસપાસ
દ્રષ્ટિ અને નારાજ પક્ષીઓની છાયાઓ લૂંટતી ફરતી છે।
અંધકાર ફરીથી નીચે પડે છે; પરંતુ હવે હું જાણું છું
કે બીસ સાળના શિલાની ઊંઘમાં
વિચિત્ર બધી ખટકાવાવાળા સપનાઓથી તંગ છે,
અને એવી જ બીટ માંડ પડે છે, જે હજુ થોડીવાર પહેલા ઘડાઇ છે,
1. Hindi Translation (ChatGPT):
Syntax and Rhyme: The translation maintains the meter and rhyme scheme well. For instance, lines like "सब कुछ बिखर जाता है" and "अराजकता का बोलबाला है" retain the rhythm, but some nuances of cultural symbols, like "Spiritus Mundi," have been kept as they are.
Cultural Connotations: The translation accurately reflects the bleakness and prophetic tone of Yeats' original. However, the phrase "Spiritus Mundi" was translated as "स्पिरिटस मुंडी," which may need some cultural context for full understanding. The line about the "lion's body and the head of a man" retains its power but may lose some of its mythical associations.
Poetic Flow: The flow of the poem is kept intact, making it both poetic and accessible.
Syntax and Rhyme: The translation maintains the meter and rhyme scheme well. For instance, lines like "सब कुछ बिखर जाता है" and "अराजकता का बोलबाला है" retain the rhythm, but some nuances of cultural symbols, like "Spiritus Mundi," have been kept as they are.
Cultural Connotations: The translation accurately reflects the bleakness and prophetic tone of Yeats' original. However, the phrase "Spiritus Mundi" was translated as "स्पिरिटस मुंडी," which may need some cultural context for full understanding. The line about the "lion's body and the head of a man" retains its power but may lose some of its mythical associations.
Poetic Flow: The flow of the poem is kept intact, making it both poetic and accessible.
2. Gujarati Translation (Gemini):
Syntax and Rhyme: The rhyme and meter have been retained well in the Gujarati version. Words like "ખૂની લહેર" (blood tide) and "સેવા" (satisfaction) follow the meter well.
Cultural Connotations: The translation uses cultural markers like "રેગિસ્તાની પક્ષીઓ" (desert birds) to emphasize the bleak atmosphere and retain the feeling of the original.
Poetic Flow: The Gujarati translation does a good job of preserving the poetic flow, ensuring the grand, apocalyptic nature of the poem is effectively communicated.
Syntax and Rhyme: The rhyme and meter have been retained well in the Gujarati version. Words like "ખૂની લહેર" (blood tide) and "સેવા" (satisfaction) follow the meter well.
Cultural Connotations: The translation uses cultural markers like "રેગિસ્તાની પક્ષીઓ" (desert birds) to emphasize the bleak atmosphere and retain the feeling of the original.
Poetic Flow: The Gujarati translation does a good job of preserving the poetic flow, ensuring the grand, apocalyptic nature of the poem is effectively communicated.
Evaluation of Performance
ChatGPT's Hindi Translation focuses on keeping the formal structure and grandeur of Yeats' original, with some effort to make the cultural references accessible to the Hindi-speaking audience. The symbols remain intact but may not be as resonant without proper cultural context.
Gemini's Gujarati Translation seems to balance both linguistic accuracy and poetic beauty with effective retention of rhyme and flow. The use of cultural metaphors such as "સિંહના શરીર" (body of a lion) and "ખૂની લહેર" (blood tide) is both appropriate and resonant, giving the translation a native cultural touch while preserving the essence of the original poem.
3. Poem 3: Choose a Gujarati poem and translate it into Hindi and English
ChatGPT's Hindi Translation focuses on keeping the formal structure and grandeur of Yeats' original, with some effort to make the cultural references accessible to the Hindi-speaking audience. The symbols remain intact but may not be as resonant without proper cultural context.
Gemini's Gujarati Translation seems to balance both linguistic accuracy and poetic beauty with effective retention of rhyme and flow. The use of cultural metaphors such as "સિંહના શરીર" (body of a lion) and "ખૂની લહેર" (blood tide) is both appropriate and resonant, giving the translation a native cultural touch while preserving the essence of the original poem.
3. Poem 3: Choose a Gujarati poem and translate it into Hindi and English
Poem Title: "Where the Mind is Without Fear"
By Rabindranath Tagore
Original English Text:
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action—
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
By Rabindranath Tagore
Original English Text:
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action—
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
Hindi Translation:
जहाँ मन डर से मुक्त हो और सिर ऊँचा हो;
जहाँ ज्ञान स्वतंत्र हो;
जहाँ दुनिया को संकुचित घरेलू दीवारों में न बाँटा गया हो;
जहाँ शब्द सत्य की गहराई से बाहर आएं;
जहाँ निरंतर प्रयास अपने हाथ आदर्श की ओर बढ़ाएं;
जहाँ तर्क की स्पष्ट धारा अपनी राह न खोए
मृत आदतों के रेगिस्तान में;
जहाँ मन को तू मार्गदर्शन दे
विचार और क्रिया की ओर, हर दिन विस्तारित होता हुआ—
उसी स्वतंत्रता के स्वर्ग में, मेरे पिता, मेरे देश को जगाओ।
जहाँ मन डर से मुक्त हो और सिर ऊँचा हो;
जहाँ ज्ञान स्वतंत्र हो;
जहाँ दुनिया को संकुचित घरेलू दीवारों में न बाँटा गया हो;
जहाँ शब्द सत्य की गहराई से बाहर आएं;
जहाँ निरंतर प्रयास अपने हाथ आदर्श की ओर बढ़ाएं;
जहाँ तर्क की स्पष्ट धारा अपनी राह न खोए
मृत आदतों के रेगिस्तान में;
जहाँ मन को तू मार्गदर्शन दे
विचार और क्रिया की ओर, हर दिन विस्तारित होता हुआ—
उसी स्वतंत्रता के स्वर्ग में, मेरे पिता, मेरे देश को जगाओ।
Gujarati Translation:
જ્યાં મન ડરથી મુક્ત હોય અને મસ્તક ઊંચું રાખી શકે;
જ્યાં જ્ઞાન મુક્ત હોય;
જ્યાં વિશ્વને સંકુચિત ઘરલૂક દીવાલોમાં વિખંડિત ન કરાયું હોય;
જ્યાં શબ્દો સત્યની ઊંડાઈમાંથી બહાર આવે;
જ્યાં સતત પ્રયત્નો પર્વતની તરફ પોતાના હાથ પકડી રહ્યા હોય;
જ્યાં બૌદ્ધિક માન્યતાઓ માટેની સ્પષ્ટ ધારા પોતાના માર્ગથી ખોટી ન પડી જાય
મૃત આદતોના એ રેગસ્તાનમાં;
જ્યાં મનને તું માર્ગદર્શન આપે
વિચાર અને ક્રિયાને પ્રગટ કરવા માટે—
તે સ્વતંત્રતા ના સ્વર્ગમાં, મારા પિતાજી, મારા દેશને જગાડો.
જ્યાં મન ડરથી મુક્ત હોય અને મસ્તક ઊંચું રાખી શકે;
જ્યાં જ્ઞાન મુક્ત હોય;
જ્યાં વિશ્વને સંકુચિત ઘરલૂક દીવાલોમાં વિખંડિત ન કરાયું હોય;
જ્યાં શબ્દો સત્યની ઊંડાઈમાંથી બહાર આવે;
જ્યાં સતત પ્રયત્નો પર્વતની તરફ પોતાના હાથ પકડી રહ્યા હોય;
જ્યાં બૌદ્ધિક માન્યતાઓ માટેની સ્પષ્ટ ધારા પોતાના માર્ગથી ખોટી ન પડી જાય
મૃત આદતોના એ રેગસ્તાનમાં;
જ્યાં મનને તું માર્ગદર્શન આપે
વિચાર અને ક્રિયાને પ્રગટ કરવા માટે—
તે સ્વતંત્રતા ના સ્વર્ગમાં, મારા પિતાજી, મારા દેશને જગાડો.
Analysis of the Poem:
Rabindranath Tagore's poem reflects his visionary ideals for an ideal society. It emphasizes a world where fear is absent, where knowledge is free, and where reason guides actions rather than dead traditions. Tagore’s call for freedom resonates with his belief in the empowerment of the mind and spirit. The poem serves as a passionate plea for awakening and enlightenment, invoking a spiritual vision for a better world and society.
Poem 4: Choose a Hindi poem and translate it into English and Gujarati.
Rabindranath Tagore's poem reflects his visionary ideals for an ideal society. It emphasizes a world where fear is absent, where knowledge is free, and where reason guides actions rather than dead traditions. Tagore’s call for freedom resonates with his belief in the empowerment of the mind and spirit. The poem serves as a passionate plea for awakening and enlightenment, invoking a spiritual vision for a better world and society.
Poem 4: Choose a Hindi poem and translate it into English and Gujarati.
Poem Title: "मधुर मिलन" (Madhur Milan)
By Maithilisharan Gupt
Original Hindi Text:
मधुर मिलन हो गया आज, हमसे तुम मिल गए हो
जो बिछड़े थे मिलकर, आज तकदीर से बिन बोले मिल गए हो।
आदर्शों की पहचान हमारी, तेरे बिना कोई नहीं
तेरे बिना हमारे जीने की कोई वजह नहीं।
खुश हो जब तक तुम साथ रहोगे
हमने चाहा था कि तुम लौट आओ
तुमसे कभी वादा नहीं तोड़ेंगे
आखिरी तक एक दूसरे के साए में रहेंगे।
By Maithilisharan Gupt
Original Hindi Text:
मधुर मिलन हो गया आज, हमसे तुम मिल गए हो
जो बिछड़े थे मिलकर, आज तकदीर से बिन बोले मिल गए हो।
आदर्शों की पहचान हमारी, तेरे बिना कोई नहीं
तेरे बिना हमारे जीने की कोई वजह नहीं।
खुश हो जब तक तुम साथ रहोगे
हमने चाहा था कि तुम लौट आओ
तुमसे कभी वादा नहीं तोड़ेंगे
आखिरी तक एक दूसरे के साए में रहेंगे।
English Translation:
Sweet Union
By Maithilisharan Gupt
Sweet union has come today, you have met me
Those who were separated, today fate has united us without a word.
Our ideals are known through you, without you, no one exists
Without you, there is no reason for our existence.
Be happy as long as you are with me
I had wished that you would return
We shall never break our promise
We will stay in each other's shadows until the very end.
Sweet Union
By Maithilisharan Gupt
Sweet union has come today, you have met me
Those who were separated, today fate has united us without a word.
Our ideals are known through you, without you, no one exists
Without you, there is no reason for our existence.
Be happy as long as you are with me
I had wished that you would return
We shall never break our promise
We will stay in each other's shadows until the very end.
Gujarati Translation:
મધુર મિલન
દ્વારા મૈથિલીશરણ ગુપ્ત
આજથી મધુર મિલન થયું છે, તમે અમારો સંકલ્પ કર્યો
જે દૂર થયા હતા, આજે નક્કી રીતે મળ્યા છે, અવ્યાખ્યાયિત રીતે ભેગા થયા છે.
આદર્શો આપણું ઓળખાણ છે, તમારૂ વિના કોઈ નથી
તમારૂ વિના આપણે જીવી શકતા નથી.
જ્યાં સુધી તમે મારા સાથે રહો છો ત્યારે સુધી ખુશ રહો
હમણે આશા રાખી હતી કે તમે પાછા આવશે
અમે ક્યારેય પોતાનો વચન ભંગ નથી કરતા
અંત સુધી એકબીજાના સાયામાં રહીશું.
મધુર મિલન
દ્વારા મૈથિલીશરણ ગુપ્ત
આજથી મધુર મિલન થયું છે, તમે અમારો સંકલ્પ કર્યો
જે દૂર થયા હતા, આજે નક્કી રીતે મળ્યા છે, અવ્યાખ્યાયિત રીતે ભેગા થયા છે.
આદર્શો આપણું ઓળખાણ છે, તમારૂ વિના કોઈ નથી
તમારૂ વિના આપણે જીવી શકતા નથી.
જ્યાં સુધી તમે મારા સાથે રહો છો ત્યારે સુધી ખુશ રહો
હમણે આશા રાખી હતી કે તમે પાછા આવશે
અમે ક્યારેય પોતાનો વચન ભંગ નથી કરતા
અંત સુધી એકબીજાના સાયામાં રહીશું.
Analysis of the Poem:
The translation of Maithilisharan Gupt’s "Madhur Milan" into English and Gujarati presented challenges in maintaining cultural connotations, emotional depth, and metre. Some terms, like "वचन" (promise), held strong cultural significance, requiring more than just literal translation. The metre and rhyme scheme were adapted to fit each language's structure, with some liberties taken to preserve the tone.
In terms of cultural symbols, phrases like "हमसे तुम मिल गए हो" were accurately translated, but the emotional depth was somewhat diluted in English. Both translations preserved the meaning but adjusted the rhythm and sound to suit each language.
ChatGPT provided a smoother, more natural-sounding English translation, while Gemini was more formal and precise, particularly in Gujarati. Both adhered to Jakobson’s equivalence and Catford’s translation theories, aiming to retain meaning while adapting culturally. In the end, ChatGPT excelled in emotional resonance in English, while Gemini was more faithful in structure.
Tone and Emotion:
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